Sunday, December 1, 2013

The List~

Here is the list of stores in order for the hunt with LM, hits will be included with those that gave them~

1. Darkfaith Designs  -Follow the Purple Pawprints to find the store, this one has 3 items make sure to double check

2. Everglad~Forest of Mods~  Has been dropped from hunt, move on to #3

3. Pitterpaws  -Follow the Yellow Pawprints to find the store

4. Tw@tty C@ke

5. Sensual Tails Designs  -Follow the Pink Pawprints to find the store, this one has 2 items, look hard

6. Apricot Paws

7. Hello Grymmy

8. ~*SugarFluff*~   Hint- Mmmn nice and fluffy!

9. Ritz

10. Madcat Creations Hint-Up and Behind

11. Double Tails  -Follow the Red Pawprints to find the store

Here is the group that is free to join if you have any questions Pawprint in the Snow Hunt

Edit: There was a mix up for #7, its supposed to be Hello Grymmy. It has been updated now

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