Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thank You All~

As the hunt comes to a close I want to thank all the store owners that took part in the hunt, you made a lot of folks happy with the items you gave out and thank you to the hunters that took part in the hunt, i hope you enjoyed all the prizes and found some new stores you like.

It was fun setting up the hunt and we may do it again sometime down the line, only time will tell but it was a blast and hope everyone enjoyed it, again Thank You


Sunday, December 1, 2013

The List~

Here is the list of stores in order for the hunt with LM, hits will be included with those that gave them~

1. Darkfaith Designs  -Follow the Purple Pawprints to find the store, this one has 3 items make sure to double check

2. Everglad~Forest of Mods~  Has been dropped from hunt, move on to #3

3. Pitterpaws  -Follow the Yellow Pawprints to find the store

4. Tw@tty C@ke

5. Sensual Tails Designs  -Follow the Pink Pawprints to find the store, this one has 2 items, look hard

6. Apricot Paws

7. Hello Grymmy

8. ~*SugarFluff*~   Hint- Mmmn nice and fluffy!

9. Ritz

10. Madcat Creations Hint-Up and Behind

11. Double Tails  -Follow the Red Pawprints to find the store

Here is the group that is free to join if you have any questions Pawprint in the Snow Hunt

Edit: There was a mix up for #7, its supposed to be Hello Grymmy. It has been updated now